Hello everyone, Happy new year!!! Ok, we're in the second month already...*runs* I'm sorry now...biko. I know y'all are probably tired of my sorries by now, but I've been really busy. Its not easy to teach *straightens neck*. Trust you're doing fine though? And thanks so much for still staying with me despite my disappearing acts. Love you much!
So I was given the Liebster award by miss ay of "in my mind's eyes". Much thanks to you for giving me my first award ever! *she also launched my comments oh! * this geh ehn...I love her!!! Hope to meet her someday too *eyelashes*
Ok, so, here are the rules:
1.Thank and link back to the giver
2. Answer the giver's questions
3. Nominate five other blogs with fewer than 200 followers
4. Ask five questions for one's nominees to answer
5. Post it on your blog
...And I've answered the first question, so on to the next!!!
Here are the questions from miss ay plus my answers:
1. Love over money, or money over love? Uhm....*sigh* money is really important, I agree, but I think I'll go with love. Love paves way for ideas and opportunities with which one could finally get money. I looove money, but its much more peaceful when I have much love than money.
2. What is the one thing you wish you could be right now? I wish I could be that person my students will talk about and say: "corper Dammi was the reason I understand English so well" ...my students aren't doing too good and it bothers me a lot.
3. Who is the one person you wish you could meet right now, and what would you tell them? My brother and his wife. And I'll tell them that "as long as the most high is still sitting on his seat, everything will definately be alright and easy and that they should just believe".
4. How do you react when you are upset? *whew* I have a terrible anger and when I'm upset, I love to be by myself for at least 2 minutes and at most 5 minutes else I'll transfer it to someone who wasn't connected to it in the first place.
5. Where do you see yourself in five years? I see myself in various companies, as their "contractually-outsourced management consultant" and by the side, a fashion designer *covers face and runs*
My Questions:
1. Describe yourself using your physical features only.
2. In one word, just one word - describe where you are now and where you wish you could be.
3. Which do you prefer: Harmattan or hot sun?
4. Whom do you wish to meet out of your favorite celeberities?
5. If you had to go back to school, which would you choose? Nursery, primary, Secondary, or Tertiary?
My nominees:
1. Sugarspring
Erm....I don't really know which ones to give the award to, but that's how much I could come up with...
Thanks again, miss ay.
Thanks always for stopping by.
Mostly appreciate them.
And as always, DO come back!!!