Oh yes, you read that right. I'm saying happy new year to you fabulous people! I'm truly lucky to have readers like you visit this tiny corner of mine every time I put up a post. Most times I'm not sure if my posts make sense or not, but you still read them all the same. 

So, because in my books, a new year can be celebrated any time of the year depending on who you're wishing, I want to wish you that squeezes time out to be here to read all forms of rants that I put here a very happy new year everyday.  And this year - God willing - I want to give out giveaways and I'll really work towards achieving that.  Watch this space!

Also, I might be writing more poems and short stories, sometimes flash fiction, personal and impersonal adverts, maybe reviews on books, movies and I also won't be leaving my rants so you're stuck with me! Hehe :D

This year, I hope to be way better than 2014 for me and for you all.

Happy New Year! !!!! Always.


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