Catching Up | Caught Up

Hey guys:) Happy New week! Hope the previous week was great?  Mine was quite eventful and fun. So I went for the movie screening hosted by 48-hour Film Project Lagos last Thursday, because I was part of the team (Team Feu Bleu) that submitted a short film ...


Wishlist | 2016

Hi guys! How has your week been? Mine has been quite funny (Not funny at all, but trying to be positive)  Sometime last year, I read a post from Berry which solved most of the issues I had with consistent blogging and it has really helped. This post is one of the results ...


Goals | Happy New Year!!!!

Happy New Year, guys!!! It's not too late, is it? Yes? No? No. :D  So my year is looking good so far, I've never felt more excited. The projects I've set aside for the year are looking good. I've had quite a number of goals in the past years, but haven't ever gotten ...

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