Ten Things To Do This January

Happy New Year, guys! It’s not too late to say that, is it? As is the usual fashion, when a new year comes like this one did yesterday, most of us already have our long lists of resolutions waiting.

This year, I have chosen to do just one thing with this blog: Put up posts on Mondays and Fridays (Come hell or high water). Mondays will be for random posts and on Fridays, reviews on movies/series, depending on what I have scheduled in my Cassiedaves Blogplanner.

Before I run away from the topic, I want to give massive hugs to my readers. You are awesome people! I sincerely appreciate the love you’ve been showing me and my utter laziness towards writing. I hope you keep sticking with me.

For the “clean slate” type of people like me, here are (In no particular order) ten things to do this January:

1. Major goal anyone?

It’s January, you’ve written down your long list of goals and you have the entire year to fulfil them. Sometimes, we get overwhelmed trying to achieve these goals all at once, so the interesting thing to do in a month like January is to pick the major goal. This task could be quite herculean because, a few goals can be on the same levels of importance, but they can still be narrowed down depending on priorities.

Once you have picked the most important one, make sure you are able to set it rolling and if possible, achieve it before the month runs out. If this goal is achieved by the set deadline, you are well on your way to receiving the best striker award.

2. Save Save Save

Save in any way you can! Financially, morally, every-other-something-ally-you-can-think-of! Saving is one term that has earned its way into my favorite bank. No matter how small, saving always ends up being really useful at unexpected times. The internet, being an information hub is an advantageous tool for saving facts. Don’t be left out of news flying by every second, they can be useful in business, personal life, even financially! You should subscribe to Google Alerts, it’s great for that. You even get to choose what news you want in your mailbox.

I also came across this handle on twitter and on their website, you can save a certain amount of money (no matter how little) towards a certain period of time. It’s amazing how small numbers can magically transform into big numbers!

3. Who doesn’t love a challenge?

Challenge yourself to try new things. These things are usually the types that never make it on your interests list. Back in school, I hated Computer Science and had to even further deal with it once I got admitted into the university. I still hate it, but I’m trying to see if I can learn coding. Some schools are teaching it online for free and so far, the only one I have registered to is Code Academy. You should check it out, their website is so beautiful and easy to navigate, you would think you were about to have the best meal of your life!

4. Everyone has a brand

A brand can have different definitions, depending on the person. I have two brands – my entrepreneurial business where I sell caps (more coming on this pretty soon) and my writer/poet brand: Lola Ogunnupebi. In a month like January, you can research the different strategies, techniques, methods in which other people in the same field have employed to grow their brand(s). Check out their journey, what makes them unique and use these as inspiration to form your brand’s identity.

If you already started, this is a fantastic month for reviews and future needs/goals for your brand. Constant brand development is an essential part of brand growth and there is no better time for that!

5. Stare the year in the face

So it knows you mean serious business! Just like you did for January, assign other goals to other months in an order of priority. I’m not saying that some of our goals are more important than the others, it can be easier for execution when we plan accordingly and follow that plan the way I follow food (which is really strongly).

6. Give gifts that keep on giving

One thing I think I want to do more this year is give. No matter how little. I know Christmas isn’t going to be for another eleven months, but who says it can’t start early? There are amazing causes to support on GoFundMe, you could also register to give blood on Haemo. It’s also still a gift if you can start a campaign on any crowdfunding site. We all need to help in every way we can.

Another way to gift is to help other peoples’ voices be heard or even tell your own story (ies). You absolutely do not have to be a writer to do this at all. Stand To End Rape (STER) is one platform you can contact, to volunteer as writers or story tellers.

7. Mini Self-discovery/Rediscovery

Pick a place to visit this month. Let it be away from everything else familiar. Sometimes, there are parts of us we still haven’t been introduced to. You don’t have to travel to this place, it should just be one to give you solitude. Reflect on everything and every step you’ve taken, are taking or about to take and think of ways to better achieve them.

8. Who wants coffee?

Drink more coffee this year. Because I’m liking it and I want to initiate you into its awesomeness. If I ever get addicted to coffee, please blame Nana Aisha Salaudeen for this hehehehe!

9. Smiles don’t kill, do they?

It is super liberating to smile, guys. The internal tension a smile reduces is out of this world and it’s reception is magical. Even in situations where you can’t seem to make yourself smile, try. Take a deep breath and pop out those gorgeous babies that the English language have decided to call teeth and smile! It calms, it’s peace.

10. Let’s pick a song

We all (well, maybe most of us), have a song that takes us back to some goal or want or action we have neglected, yes? Create a playlist on your phone (with any fun name you want) and collect songs that remind you to either take things steady or never give up, songs that inspire! Listen to them often to remind yourself of where you are going. Don’t forget to have fun along the way!

What is your January looking like? Do you think I’ve left out some salient points? Let me know in the comment section below!

Till Friday, xxx.


Unknown said...

Settings goals is certainly one thing I'm doing this January. Nice post.


Unknown said...


Thanks for reading :)

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