Recording My Experience As A Google/Udacity Africa Scholar

Hello guys! I hope your week is looking good? Mine is looking like the story I'm about to tell. Last week in this post, I mentioned something about starting my coding journey and putting it in another post. Well, here it is! Before I go on and on about myself, have you registered ...


A Fun Guide To Washing Plates and Loving It

You probably saw this title and went "huh?" but hear me out first. Photo: homelife Hello guys! How's your weekend looking? I hope you're getting the rest you need! So, let's get to the matter. I have constantly found that myself and a few other people I've had conversations ...

Poster for Cooked Up Love
Photo: latestnollywoodmovies

Hello guys!

It's another Friyay and I am as excited as your definition of excitement! I feel like Friday is naturally programmed with excitement just because it's next to Saturday (for people that don't work on weekends). So as has been custom in a few of my previous posts like this one and this one; it's another beautiful *sipping cold latte* style day for a movie review.

This one is Nigerian though.

I subscribed to irokotv this year and have watched a lot of movies on the app. I found myself asking questions, rolling my eyes, laughing my head off, even struggling to finish some movies, so I said to myself: "Lola?", myself said "Yes, beautiful?"; then I blushed back at myself and responded "Why not just write about it on the blog?". And here we are!

Note: I know the kind of hard work that goes into making a movie and I recognize it. However, I'm sharing my views so that we can have meaningful conversations about how amazing a movie was or how it could be better. I hope we can do that.

My own version of a background

A celebrity chef reconnects with his long-time love when she found herself on his cooking show, following a change to his routine by the TV network hosting his show. Their re-connection came with a shipload of unanswered questions and anger they had harbored in the past. Like every other story, they start really rough and end really smoothly.

This is me trying not to spoil the movie for you, you owe me a gift for this.


While I really loved the movie, I had a few issues that kept bugging me throughout. Molade's (Enado Odigie) sister (Bimbo Ademoye) seemed to have a different costuming from her sister because, they were just really wrong. Maybe that also contributed to her acting because Bimbo is one actress I really admire (especially for her stellar acting in Backup Wife which made me scream when she nominated for the same role).Maybe it's just me, but I think she struggled with that role a bit.

I loved Labake's (Fehintola Olulana) interpretation of the role. We all need a Labake in our lives and trust me, I know because I have one in my life. She made me remember my great friendships and I would have "named names", but I won't like to embarrass my friends so I'll just pim. The Lead character Abbey (Jimmy Odukoya) though, I felt he could have done more with the role and be more believable. It seemed like he was better at being a celebrity chef than being Abbey himself. I felt like his supporting characters helped to carry him well, which was good.

And that towards-the-end scene, where Molade recounts the reason why she left - was off the charts! I felt every word she spoke and it was as if I could see the picture she was painting for me. I haven't really seen Enado in a lot of movies but in this one, she was everything.


  1. Of course, towards-the-end scene. Every bit of it.
  2. Then there was the first time she came on the cooking show and while Abbey was trying to make egg sauce, she takes over the show by saying "That was not how I taught you". I felt every bit of that! 
  3. Where Abbey and Molade had this hilarious argument about the correct pronunciation of scotch bonnet.

Excited, Happy, Cooked!



I would definitely recommend you saw it. You might like it better than I did or not. Whichever way, let me know!

Have you seen this movie? What did you think? You know what to do: take a seat in the comments and let's have a chat!

Stay winning.
See you in my next post!


There Is A Developer Conference In Nigeria And It's Everything

Guys, I'm howling!!! Okay I'll calm down for the purpose of this post, so that I can explain the reason for my sudden "wolf gang" behavior. A month ago or so, Christian Nwamba (@codebeast) lamented on twitter about how amazing developers were always denied visas to international ...


Too Many Career Choices? Here's A Guide On Making Your Choice

Photo by rawpixel on Unsplash Hello guys! It definitely has been a long time since you last saw read me and I sure have missed you! I apologize for being away for so long and will try everything to stay this time. Now to the topic I'm sure you're here for: we certainly have ...


WanaWana celebrates love, sensuality and feminine agency in her poetry video, “20”

WanaWana aims to make poems accessible with album, “In Memory Of Forgetting” Nigerian poet hosts listening party for sophomore poetry album at Rele Gallery LAGOS, NIGERIA: On Sunday, August 27, Wana Udobang, popularly known as WanaWana, collaborated with Rele Gallery for ...

WanaWana aims to make poems accessible with album, “In Memory Of Forgetting”
Nigerian poet hosts listening party for sophomore poetry album at Rele Gallery

On Sunday, August 27, Wana Udobang, popularly known as WanaWana, collaborated with Rele Gallery for an intimate listening of her sophomore poetry album, “In Memory of Forgetting”.

During the listening, WanaWana’s audience stayed in a trancelike quietness for over thirty minutes, as track after track interlaced to tell a story of personal struggles, brokenness and triumph. After the listening, Efe Paul Azino, founder of the Lagos Poetry Festival, facilitated a Q and A. In explaining her motivations for the album, WanaWana stated, “I want my work to be accessible … I am continually experimenting with new ways of making my work available to people who would not normally listen to poetry”. As for her creative approach to the album, Udobang explains, “I want connection . . . I don’t want just teach or preach, I want people to connect with the work in a very personal way for themselves”.

Wana Udobang

Wana Udobang and Efe Paul Azino

“In Memory of Forgetting” is a 10-track album made up of aesthetics including, music, wordplay, intonation and vocal variety. The album features Cat Mayel, renowned poet Titilope, as well as music by Femi Leye, Echo and Lanre ‘Sabre’ Oladimeji. The collection is an unapologetic introspective into the sharp, sometimes dark, corners of Udobang’s life, and a piercing mirror for the listener to see the same in theirs. At its heart, it is a seminal work by an artist who wants her listener to remember to turn the page and never go back.

WanaWana might just be on her way to achieving her goal as one critic remarked, “… as a critic and [a listener], I couldn’t help but see the album for what it was - honest”. Other critics at the event noted the inventive use of music to guide the listener’s mood through the collection.

The album is digitally available worldwide on iTunes, Google Play Music, Amazon and Deezer. Lagos residents can pick up a CD copy at Terra Kulture and Rele Gallery. It is also available at the Salamander Café in Abuja.

Iquo Basi, Wana, Arit 

Yup, I was there! With Wana and Nneka Ezealor

Enajite Efemuaye

Ndukwe Onuoha, Dami Ajayi

Bantu, Ndukwe Onuoha

Denrele Sonariwo, owner - Rele Gallery, Wana Udobang and Efe Paul Azino

Lade Tawak

About Wana Udobang: Wana Udobang, popularly known as WanaWana, is a journalist, poet and filmmaker whose work probes women’s rights, social justice, personal narratives, culture and the arts. As a performance poet she has graced the stages of festivals across Africa.  Her first spoken word album, ‘Dirty Laundry’, was released in 2013. Her poems have been featured at the British Library’s Word, Symbol and Song exhibition. “In Memory of Forgetting” is her second spoken word poetry album.

I had so much fun!
See y'all in the next one!


The Annual Critic Challenge 2017

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 15th April, 2017 THE ANNUAL CRITIC CHALLENGE 2017 SET TO REWARD MAINSTREAM CRITICISM IN NIGERIA AND AFRICA The annual Critic Challenge is a call for critics and critical writers in the culture ...

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