An Enigmatic Demise

I will always appreciate your visits and comments. Thank You. *************************************************** My post today is dedicated to Madam Sheila Solarin, the co-founder of my Alma mater (Mayflower School, Ikenne), who died at 88 on Sunday the 21st, 2012. She was ...


TILL WHENEVER (Concluding Part)

Thank you all for visiting and leaving your comments. Without them and you, this blog will be invisible. This is the other part of the story. I hope it's worth the wait....Much Love! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ....Almost ...



I know I haven't been on here in a while....So sorry. Will try as much as possible to be here! I hope you enjoy this..... Love! --------------------------------------------------------------------- I had waited long enough for "a reason to be with someone", I had finally found a reason to (or I thought I did). Then again, I realized I had only found a "reason to be with someone", Not a "reason for picking ...

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