Word For The Week: Amen

Hey guys! Happy New Week!!! Hope you had a great weekend? My weekend was awesome! I visited one of my closest friends yesterday and we had such a beautiful time catching up. His name is Hameed and he owns and designs the Hingees shirts from this post. There’s more to come ...


3 Great Movies For Entrepreneurs

Hey guys! It’s Friyay! Source So after reading this post from Naijagirlnextdoor, I decided to create my own look.  My impatience set in, but even it wasn’t enough to not let me be great). It’s really pretty and I got fantastic comments on it. I definitely ...


Review : The Cassie Daves Blog Planner

Hi guys! Happy hump day! Hope your week has been looking good? I've had my hands on quite a few things lately (exciting news coming soon). One of these exciting things however, include planning my posts with the Cassie Daves Blog Planner ( and planning the review) hehe. . Walahi, ...


Word For The Week

Hi guys! How do you like my new blog look? I mentioned in my last post that I was undergoing some research on how to make the blog look better. By the way, did you enjoy the playlist? I've made a few changes compared to what it looked like before, so Yay or nay? I'll ...


Weeked Playlist x Happy New Month!

Yay it's a new month! And a Friday too - Friyay! 2016 has been quite eventful for me so far, how has yours been? If it hasn't been looking according to plan yet - don't worry, success is just around the corner! For the first time, I started using the Cassie Daves Blog Planner ...

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